تدریس خصوصی آیلتس و تافل در شهر آیلتس

تدریس مهارت های چهارگانه آیلتس

تدریس خصوصی آیلتس و تافل در شهر آیلتس

تدریس مهارت های چهارگانه آیلتس

طبقه بندی موضوعی

شنبه, ۷ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۰۵:۵۴ ب.ظ


Writing for IELTS, session1

شنبه, ۷ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۰۵:۵۴ ب.ظ


a meaningful combination of letters.


a meaningful combination of words.


a meaningful combination of words + subject + verb.


1.      Independent (meaningful by itself)

2.      Dependent (needs another independent clause to be complete.)

Dependent clauses:

1.      noun clauses

2.      adjective clauses

3.      adverbial clauses


1.      finite verbs

        ۱۶ tenses

2.      non-finite verbs

– gerunds
– past participles


used for further definition.
Adjective cannot be used for proper nouns but adjective clauses can be used for
proper nouns.

Adjective clauses:

Describe and limit nouns.
Adjectives come before nouns.

Adjective clauses come after the noun.

Adjective clauses:

1.      restrictive adjective clause

2.      non-restrictive (defining) adjective clauses

Only non-restrictive adjective clauses can be used for proper nouns and it is
necessary to use two comas around them.


1.      I saw a man who was old in the garden.
(Here “who was old” is a restrictive adjective clause.)

2.      I saw John, who was old, in the garden.
(Here “who was old” is a non-restrictive adjective clause.)


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