تدریس خصوصی آیلتس و تافل در شهر آیلتس

تدریس مهارت های چهارگانه آیلتس

تدریس خصوصی آیلتس و تافل در شهر آیلتس

تدریس مهارت های چهارگانه آیلتس

طبقه بندی موضوعی

شنبه, ۱۸ آذر ۱۳۹۶، ۱۲:۴۷ ق.ظ


لغات کلیدی نگارش آیلتس

شنبه, ۱۸ آذر ۱۳۹۶، ۱۲:۴۷ ق.ظ

از طریق آموختن اصلاحات و لغات متداول می توانید جذابیت نگارش را در آیلتس چندین برابر کنید. علاوه بر این ، سرعت نگارش شما با استفاده از این اصطلاحات بسیار بالا خواهد رفت.

Stating Your Opinion
بیان نظر)

In my opinion, According to me, In my view, To me, From my point of view, I think, It seems to me that, I believe, From my perspective, To my way of thinking, It appears that, I suppose, I realize, I understand, I imagine, I feel

Giving Examples
مثال آوردن)

For example, For instance,such as, In other words,as like, that is namely, To illustrate, To paraphrase

مقایسه ، بیان شباهت ها)

Similar to, As…as, in common, also, Either…or, In the same way, Neither…nor, At the same time, Just as, resemble

مقایسه ، بیان تفاوت ها)

However, But, On the contrary, On the other hand, Differ from, Nevertheless, Although, Though, Otherwise, Instead, Alternatively, Eventhough

جمع بندی)

Generally, Generally speaking, Overall, On the whole, In general, By and large, It seems to me that, I believe, All in all, Basically, Essentially, As a rule, All things considered, For the most part

Expressing Certainty
بیان قطعیت)

Certainly, Undoubtedly, Doubtless, No doubt, Definitely, Of course,

Expressing Partial Agreement
بیان موافقت نسبی)

More or less,To some extent, Up to a point, Almost, In a way,
So to speak

بیان علت)

Due to, Because, Because of,Owing to

Showing effect
بیان معلول)

Therefore, As a result, Consequently, For this reason, Thus, So, thereby Eventually, Hence,The reason why

Marking time
طبقه بندی)

First, Last Second, Lastly, Third, Then, Firstly, First of all, Secondly,BeforeThirdly, After, During, While, To begin with, At the same time, Simultaneously, After this / that, Since, Meanwhile, Afterwards, Following this, When, As soon as

Adding Information
اضافه کردن دلایل دیگر)

Furthermore, In addition, Also, And, Moreover, Similarly, Likewise, As well as, Besides, Too, Even, What’s more

Expressing condition
جملات شرطی)

If, Whether, In case,Unless, Provided that, So that

نتیجه گیری)

To summarize, In conclusion, Lastly, Finally,To conclude with, In short

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۹۶/۰۹/۱۸



نظرات  (۰)

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